New Morale Patch Review: "Boot Camp Graduate"

by Steven Bartholomew | June 13, 2023 | 0 Comments

The "Boot Camp Graduate" Patch is one of our most recent patches we've released, and yet, it's already one of my favorites. The idea came to me a couple of months ago when I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and seeing all of the college graduation photos from last semester, and I thought to myself, "Well, I want one of those." I mean I got one from High School but to be completely honest, I don't even know where it is. Plus, it's not like it's that special, it's High School we're talking about. 

But that crisp hardback one you get after college, yeah that one's real nice. Nothing says "I'm ready to take over the world." like a college degree inside of a fancy hardback cover with that crisp insignia. I have every right to be jealous for not having my own.

So it got me thinking, why doesn't the military give out diplomas or something at graduation? I mean they definitely have the resources to make it happen, so what's the catch? Are we not worthy of such a high honor? Boot Camp graduation is a very formal and well-orchestrated event, imagine the icing on the cake if you also walked out of there with a fancy degree in your hand. I would say even the victory walk across the stage to receive said degree wouldn't be to much to ask for. 

I guarantee the recruits would take it a lot more serious if they knew what they'd be missing out on if they didn't make it to graduation. I'm just saying, a little incentive never hurt anybody. 

So for all the Vets and Active Duty killers out there who never got their 30 seconds of fame at some prestigious University graduation, I present to you the "Boot Camp Graduate" Morale Patch

You deserve it,


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