by Yanne Root |
February 08, 2014

Violent Little Machine Shop is proud to unveil its latest creation, a Favicon. What's a Favicon? See the little black icon next to our website in your web browser tab? Its the head of Meep, our little lost robot. We've recently been on a tear with using for all sort of projects, both personal and professional. We found an artist who specializes in Favicons on Fiverr. It cost us $5.00 to have our logo redone as a Favicon. It provides a personal touch to our website that's a hell of a lot better than the generic favicon that comes with our e-commerce platform. The artist even gave me three different sizes of it in two different formats. $5.00 and it was done in 12 brainer. It sure beats the hell out of messing around in photoshop for 30 minutes (or longer). My time is worth more than $10 per hour.
If you've never checked out Fiverr, you absolutely must.
It's a community of thousands of interesting, talented, and weird people who do things for just $5.00. From pranks on your friends, to art, to creative advertising, to technical a small business owner you can basically run your business with it if you so choose, for $5.00 a job. When the job's done, its done and there's nothing more to be done. It is an easy way to take small, little, time-consuming tasks off of my plate and focus my time and energy on the things that I am really good at and the things that I want to focus on. I don't mind sharing with you that we use Fiverr. My goal isn't to pretend like we've got a huge team of people on salary and acting bigger than we really are. Our goal is to just do cool shit and have fun with this business. Fiverr facilitates that in such an easy platform and for dirt cheap. Stay tuned for our new series of spokesperson commercials using only hired talent. Things are getting weird over here.

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by Brandon Scott |
June 16, 2013
Recently I've become aware of a great organization through Soldier Systems that I'd like to pass the word on. They're called the Silent Heroes Foundation and in a nutshell, they are dedicated to protecting animals in Africa from poachers. If there's anything that pisses me off its poachers and the inability of the people that want to help to be able to help in a meaningful way. We've all seen these shows where "helping" consists of ripping out snares and knocking over the poachers' unattended camps...meanwhile the poachers get away scott free. What appears to be different about the Silent Heroes Foundation is that within them they have a Specialized Interdiction Unit comprised of former SOF members. I might not know all the ins and outs of this group, but from what I can tell it sounds like the SIU's purpose is to take the fight to these poachers who are decimating Africa's endangered species. Weapons, gillie suits, aerial surveillance, deployments...and the training to back it up...say no more. It looks like they're setting it up to be pretty visible with this mission of theirs...look for some sort of documentary or show. Can't wait to follow these guys. Click here to help. They're also accepting donations of all types of used kit, gear, and equipment, having already enlisted the help of a number of great companies.

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Good to know,
by Markus Little |
June 14, 2013
Always have a pad and pencil next to your bed. I am one of those people who often will lay in bed for hours sometimes trying to fall asleep. My mind is busy and wandering. I start thinking about so much, especially as an entrepreneur who finds it difficult to shut off work from my mind. I'd dare to say that I do some of my greatest reflection and thinking during this time. Ideas, plans, reminders, philosophies, new products...the floodgates seem to just open up when I'm in bed. Think about it. Its dark, its quiet, its comfortable, and you spend a third of your life in it. You're bound to think of something worthy of remembering the next day, and if you've got no way to write it down, you're bound to forget something the next day that would have made your day, week, month, year, life better in some way. Last night I was laying in bed and realized that I had unknowingly developed this habit over the course of a couple years. It was a bit of an "Ah Ha" moment for me. I go to bed with my notepad and a pencil on my bedside table every night now...without really trying. In all honesty, sometimes I'll jot down a note on my iphone instead of turning the light on and waking up my girlfriend, but for the most part I like to get it down on paper. God forbid I keep myself awake another couple of hours worrying that I'm not going to remember what I promised myself the night before I would, which I really never do come morning.

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Good to know,
Waste of Time