A standard white hobo box with a big ass red sticker that cost more than the box itself -boy we really outdid ourselves this time. At this rate we'll be putting our box contents in a used shopping bag and duct tapping it closed. But hey, we aren't there yet so keep your head on a swivel. Luckily for you guys we do care about the contents of our boxes and this month is no exception...all expenses spared. We're talking shit to keep you up all night, anime boobs, "not a gun bunnies", snacks, Billy Madisions...etc, and so ons. So bring your Dr. Little aids cure and pray it works as advertised for this months box review, and if you haven't subscribed yet, that's probably a good call on your part. You don't know where this udder's been...and it ain't like a regular old Vermont dairy cow udder...its like an Afghani Chai boy udder. Real dirty.
Our second attempt at a Creasy Bear T came out exquisitely. The first time around we got pretty lazy with a one color laughing stock. This four colored badboy on a silky Next Level 60/40 and its incorporated half-tones represent our “coming out” party...a tshirt party. Its like a pajama party, except we’re all wearing tshirts and that’s it...no bottoms or anything -so be careful when you sit down on that bean bag chair. CLICK HERE to get your own if you missed out on the box. $22
How smooth is “silencer smooth”? Well...let’s just say that if you could take Irish Butter, mix it with KY Jelly, infuse it with some Marvin Gaye, powder in a bunch of crushed up Xanax, and turn it into some sort of drinkable format that wouldn’t kill you -that’s about how smooth this blend of coffee would be. Click here to get buttery with BRC at their website or blow up their spot on Instagram @blackriflecoffee . $5
Photo Courtesy of @iamjimmychew.
Do everyone a favor and just write “Me” in the number one spot. This beauty of a notebook is one of the show ponies to this month’s box and is just the shot in the arm you needed to do whatever it is you could never quite muster the motivation for...like building that tiny home you never shut up about. Now’s your time, up here! Explorer’s Press makes a bunch of really cool, under the radar goods. Its certainly not the last time we’ll feature these brethren from the North. Fuck, poutine is good. Check out their online store at explorerspress.com or on Instagram @explorerspress. $20
Banksy says a lot of shit. Sometimes its cool. This is one of those times. The popular “Here for the Violence” patch gets a PVC Glow-in-the-Dark makeover in this Violent Little exclusive. She was beautiful before, but now she’s bigger and better...kind of like Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. Yeah. No? You guys wouldn’t? Really? Suit yourselves. See what else is available from Tactical Outfitters at their online store at gettactical.net or check out their Instagram @tacticaloutfitters. $10
This razor blade thing-a-majig by the dark-roasted nuts of the Ball & Chain Co. was too good to not pounce on. Its sharp as shit, so be careful. Makes for a great base-of-shaft hair remover when you’re in a rush. Fantastic for anniversaries. Get a heads up on all their new gear at ballandchainco.com or get "involved" with their social media on Instagram @ballandchainsociety. $8
There’s major beef here. Crawling Death, an Australian Company once made a hat that said “Aloha” flipping the bird. Well...Rolling Death Maui wasn’t having none of it. Nuh uh. Guns and “No Worries”. OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING SLAMMMMMMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Might want to clean all that white stuff off your face Crawling Death, cause Rolling Death just happened. Buy more at rollingdeathmaui.com and look at some blacked out tits on their Instagram @rollingdeathmaui. $10
Our favorite Instagram “not a gun bunny”, Breanne, is immortalized on a sticker that your girlfriend/wife/side-bitch is sure to love. No clue how much longer we’re going to be able to keep our significant others from finding out that we made this sticker, but its not going to go over well. This could very well be our last transmission. Give’er a follow on Instagram @xo_breanne_xo if you’re in the mood to give yourself marital problems. Soon to be released to the general public.$2
Alright alright alright...what more needs to be said about this instant classic done by the up-and-coming Lapel Club. The best line from Dazed and Confused. Give them a follow on Instagram, @lapelclub or buy a literal shit ton of lapels at lapelclub.com. $11
Snake Oil Prime is a premium lube for your firearm. Probably works as lube for “other stuff” too. Hell, anything works as lube if you try hard enough. But this probably works best on your firearm. We love the name of it too...sounds a lot like what we sell here at Violent Little. Buy more now at allstartactical.com and see what all the fuss is about on their Instagram @allstartactical. $5
These dudes came onto the patch scene like a Tsunami...or a Godzilla (Asian references because they look Asian, but they might not be, we didn’t want to be cliche and ask). Their anime style mixed with some really cool elements, like Star Wars, makes for some really unique patches that we’re just a little TOO into. They’re patches you can have a wank to. When you get no cell reception, rip this girl off your shoulder and make your way to the nearest porta-potty or public park baseball dugout. Get good to go at their web site at weaponsgradewaifus.com, or check out all their new adventures on Instagram @wgwaifus. $10
This legit-as-fuck trailmix by the local crew at Play Hard Give Back is not only delicious, and not only has motherf*ckin’ PEANUT BUTTER CUPS in it, but also supports a really cool social mission too. Check this company out for a resupply and to see all the cool stuff they’re always up to, playhardgiveback.com. Don't forget their Instagram @playhardgiveback. $5
Pro Tip: Check out our buddies at blkmkt.org or their Instagram @blkmktorg. Its fast becoming the best place to buy tactical and military shit. Its basically the Ebay for tactical gear, but more better...they won't kick you out for being awesome.
Wayneaxomy said:
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The biggest mistake new entrepreneurs make is not putting themselves out there. If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to show others what you’re doing."Instead of praying an audience (or customers) will find you, get in front of people in your space. Start a blog, podcast or create video content. Take advantage of social media. Attend in-person events.
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The most painful mistake I see people making repeatedly, particularly with their first project is striving for perfection over getting it done."My advice is to go out and break shit. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission when you start a business. The only way your project, your business idea or whatever is in your mind is going to become better, is by having people use it in the real-world. Listen to them and iterate until you have a solid product."
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February 01, 2021